Friday, April 24, 2015

Forbes Living Uncovers Tanning Salon Health Claims

Tanning salons are big business in the United States as many adults and teens hope to obtain that sunny, bronze look. But there are health risks in the ultra violet rays which provide that tanned look, as Forbes Living reviews.

The use of ultra violet devices can increase exposure to cancer-causing radiation. The World Health Organization reported in 2009 that tanning beds are noted in the highest cancer risk category. Last year, the U.S. Surgeon General asked for a reduction in UV tanning as the cases of skin cancer are rising.  Young adults are most at risk for skin cancer caused by the use of tanning beds. In their effort to look healthful and sun-kissed for the major events in their lives, tanning beds can be dangerous and potentially cause adverse effects. In fact, some U.S. states ban the use of tanning salons for children under age 17 and require parental consent.

The Forbes Living talk show encourages parents and other adults to thoroughly research the tanning salon before using one.  Question any marketing attempt which claims the UV rays boost Vitamin D and provide health benefits.  Limit time in a tanning bed to the minimum. Head outdoors instead after slathering the body with sunscreen. Natural sunlight is much healthier than fake one.