Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Forbes Living Chronicles the Internet Acronyms Parents Need to Know

Got kids? It is more than likely that there are quite a few Internet acronyms that you may have seen but have no idea what they mean. Forbes Living shares them with you and offers some other sources for learning more.

Today’s teens are constantly connected to digital devices and are more susceptible to a friend or stranger’s request for something the parent would object to. Acronyms such as LOL and OMG are pretty common and almost everyone knows them. But do you know what ISWN or GNOC means? Neither did we. When we found out we were shocked. Below are some of the terms very parent needs to know:

UWSN – I Want Sex Now
GNOC – Get Naked on Camera
NIFOC - Naked in front of computer
PIR - Parent in room
1174' - Party meeting place
CID - Acid (the drug)
Broken - Hungover from alcohol
420 – Marijuana
(L)MIRL - Let's meet in real life
WTTP - Want to trade pictures?
TWD - Texting while driving

When we were teens it was not uncommon for a parent to walk into a bedroom to see what the kids were doing. The only place for a private phone call was in the bathroom. Today, kids have their own smart phones and many more ways to reach out and touch each other.  Forbes Living TV suggests learning more about the acronyms kids use when communicating. Click here.

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