Friday, May 1, 2015

Forbes Living TV Highlights Tips for Aging Well

A recent survey of centenarians about how they felt about their life, family and health yielded some telling answers about how to age well. Forbes Living TV highlights their replies.

A quarter of the 100 year olds said that keeping a positive attitude was necessary to living longer and living well. Eating well and staying healthy are also important factors in living to a ripe old age. Exercise played a valuable role in helping these folks live to 100. So did staying busy and active with friends and family.  

Feeling young and healthful is more of attitude than a definition of age. People who eat healthy, are physically active and are social live longer and feel more positive than those who do not. The Forbes Living talk show reminds readers that there are a number of senior fitness classes around the country. Most are free or offered at very low-cost. Attendees in the classes note that the social factor of the classes, (seeing friends there and making new friends in the class) is just as beneficial to the attendee as the physical exercises.

If mobility is an issue, ask friends and caregivers to help find a community center to visit. They offer an abundance of social activities from book groups to card games for everyone. Live to be 100 and older.

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