Thursday, December 18, 2014

Forbes Living on How to be Forever Young

Bet you didn’t know there are some free secrets to staying young even when you hit the big 5-0. Forbes Living shares the best of them with readers.

Don’t’ you just love free stuff?

Be positive and be happy.  Find the positive in any situation. Is it pouring down rain on the day of your outdoor party? Bring it inside for a cozy soiree instead.

Happiness is not that hard to come by either. Look down. Your child, dog or cat is right there telling you that you are loved, even when your hair is a mess and your shorts are hanging off your hips like a soggy sack. Happiness is really just being content with what it is. All of it.

The soft and sensitive skin under the eyes ages the face faster than anything. Keep them moisturized with a good quality cream and they will thank you by keeping lines away.

Listen to what children say to you and about you. They are honest and honest in ways that most adults will never get. And when the urge arises, play like a kid!

Did someone call you a sourpuss? Thank them! And then squeeze some lemon juice in a bowl, take a cotton ball or pad, dip it and dab on the face. Leave the lemon juice on your face for about 10 minutes and then rinse off. So long dead cells and hello new younger ones. (And lemons are cheaper by the dozen than the top-rated facial cleansers.)

Forbes Living TV also recommends getting a good night’s rest, taking part in some zippy exercise and refusing to fall into negative think patterns.  If all else fails. There is always tomorrow.

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